Christmas Events 2024

We’d love to see you at our free Christmas events this year.

Friday 13 December -
Christingle Craft | from 3:15pm

This event is one of our favourites which includes christingle making, craft stalls and hotdogs for children. Around 4:00pm we go into the chapel for a short service to light the christingles. It's a special time.

Sunday 22 December -
Carol Service | 10:00am

Our morning carol service singing traditional carols with a message led by Rev. Irfon James. Children can go out to Crèche or Sunday School for fun and games during the message, or stay with their guardians if they’d prefer. The service will be followed by refreshments in the church hall.

Sunday 22 December -
Carols by Candlelight | 6:00pm

Another very popular service is our candlelit carol service. The service will include traditional carols, readings, performances by church children and a short message. The service will be 45 minutes to an hour and will be followed by hot chocolate, hot Christmas punch, tea, coffee, mince pies and shortbread in the church hall.

Wednesday 25 December -
Christmas Day All Age Service | 10:00am

A short celebration service for all ages on the big day! The service will include singing, a short message and a slot for children to come to the front to show us something they had for Christmas (this is optional and children don’t have to come to the front if they don’t want to). The service is a great way into the celebrations of the day.